Viewport Navigation

What is it?

Viewport navigation is a JavaScript library which enhances webpages with a navigation menu and slideshow presentation functionality. You can see it in action of this page!

Here’s a fuller list of the features it provides.

How to get it

You can get viewport navigation in various ways.

Clone the source code from its GitLab repository.
Get it as a npm package.
Install it as an RPM from a Copr repository.

How to use it

  1. Add the following lines to the header of your document.

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="viewport-navigation.min.css"/>

    <script src="viewport-navigation.browser.min.js"></script>

  2. Add id attributes to every sectioning element you want to include in the navigation menu.

  3. Add class="_vn-slide" attributes to every sectioning element you want to appear as a slide in the slideshow and presentation modes.

Keyboard Shortcuts

There are a number of keyboard shortcuts which can be used instead of the controls menu.


Command Shortcut
Blank display Ctrl+Shift+Alt+B
Fullscreen display Ctrl+Shift+Alt+F
Normal display Ctrl+Shift+Alt+N
Presentation display Ctrl+Shift+Alt+P
Slideshow display Ctrl+Shift+Alt+S


Command Shortcut
Dark theme Ctrl+Shift+Alt+D
Light theme Ctrl+Shift+Alt+L


The following keyboard shortcuts are available when you are in slideshow or presentation mode.

Command Shortcut
Show previous slide Page Up or or
Show next slide Page Down or or
Show first slide Home
Show last slide End

Presentation remotes

You can use a presentation remote or clicker with viewport navigation because they work looking like a normal keyboard to the computer and they typically send key-sequences which will coincide with the keyboad shortcuts discussed in the pevious section.

I have a Doosl wireless presenter and it emits the following key codes.

Button Prezi Mode Key Sequence
< Mode 1 Page Up
> Mode 1 Page Down
< Mode 2
> Mode 2
< Mode 3
> Mode 3
First short press All modes Esc
Second short press All modes
  • Shift+F5,
  • Ctrl+Shift+B,
  • Alt+Meta+P,
  • F5,
  • Ctrl+Shift+S,
  • B.
Long press All modes B
T All modes None
All modes None

You can switch between Prezi modes by pressing and holding the < and > buttons. I run mine in Prezi mode 3, so that it emits cursor left and right key codes. This means that viewport navigation shows the previous/next slide when in slideshow or presentation modes, but has no effect otherwise.

And yes, the presenter really does emit all of those key codes one after the other on your second short press of the button. Needless to say, this causes absolute chaos in a web browser — so I just try to avoid that button altogether.

If you have a presentation remote and you want to examine the key codes it outputs you can do so by running the evtest command as root on on Linux. You then have to select the USB devices that you want to inspect, note that the names that appear in the list do not always match up with what you would expect. My Doosl presenter appears as a SONix USB Device for instance.

If you are modifying the source code of viewport navigation to suit your presenter then you will find the following list of JavaScript key code to key mappings useful.


Here’s some useful documentation links to look at when developing viewport navigation.

You can view the latest JSDoc documentation for this project or you can generate a local copy with the command npm run doc.

The build system for this software uses npm scripts which are defined in the package.json file. I’ve found the excellent article “How to Use npm as a Build Tool” by Keith Cirkel helps a lot with how to express scripts in package.json.